Friday Five: Five Fitness Snapshots

The topic for this week’s Friday Five hosted by the DC trifecta ladies is Free Friday. For my Free Friday post I am taking it back a few weeks to a post I missed about our five fitness snapshots. I started the drafting the post but life got in the way and I never got around to finessing and posting – till now!

As a runner, many of my snapshots are of running. I decided to switch it up and make my focus on some of core workouts. As I have mentioned previously I am not very consistent with strengthening my core but it is something I am working on for 2015.

1. Planks – Planks are one of my favorite core workouts to do. Several months ago I completed a 30 day plank challenge. After 30 days I was able to hold it for 5 mins. Now a days I do a 1-2 min plank 2-3 per week.

Fitness Snapshots 3

2. Side Planks – Side planks are just a tad harder than a regular plank in the sense that instead of your weight being dispersed evening on both arms, you are manning all your weight to one side.

Fitness Snapshots 1

3. Russian Twists – Russian twists may look easy but not when you are trying to maintain your form with your feet slightly off the floor. Recently I’ve added the kettle bell into my Russian twists to take the workout to the next level of intensity.


4. I’m not sure what to call shot #4. I found this one on Instagram as part of a full core exercise series featured on fitmotivation‘s account. This workout really burns the abdominal muscles.


5. Boat Pose – I recently added boat pose to my list of core workouts as it really does strengthen the core. I feel it in my abs, thighs and lower back. Also completely boat poses helps keep me in line to be more consistent with a weekly yoga workout, even if it is only for a few minutes.

Fitness Snapshots 2

Do you incorporate core strengthening activities into your workout? If so, what is your preferred exercise?

Link up with Eat Pray Run DC, Mar on the Run, and You Signed up for What?! and several other bloggers for Friday Five! Link up your post about the week’s theme so your post will be found in the linkup archives.

18 thoughts on “Friday Five: Five Fitness Snapshots

  1. I’ve been doing core a lot more lately because I wasn’t happy with my core this winter. I also throw in lower back and glute exercises to off set the front work.

  2. I tend to hate doing core exercises because I feel like I don’t have one (in reality, I know it’s there–I think it’s just the fact that I can’t do a situp that bothers me, haha), but you’ve pretty much just summed up all my favorite core exercises to do in between my lifting sets! :D!

    1. Farrah I am right there with you. I avoided core exercises for so long because I hate sit-ups and crunches. I thought core work was all about abs only until I finally researched more into it. Doing these exercises make core work less painful 🙂

  3. These are all killer core exercises. I’m working really hard to regain my abdominal strength after having two cesareans, and these movements are no joke.

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